Karno Puron
Prevent ear diseases. ear pain.
Prevent skin diseases of ear.
MRP : 20 ml - 60 Tk.
DetailsSree Gopal Oil
Effective for Men's and Women's Special organ.
Men's Sexual weakness.
Effective for increase Women's breast beauty.
MRP : 50 ml - 170 Tk
Specially effective for women's weekness.
Antioxidant, Tumor, Premature aging, Irregular menstrual.
Effective for Uterus weekness.
MRP : 30 Tab - 340 Tk
DetailsKorola Juice
Anti Oxident and Effective for highly control diabetic.
Prevent asthma.
Control Blood sugar.
MRP : 450 ml - 170 Tk
DetailsHimsagor Oil
Ensured of Head Coolness and bring good sleep.
Prevent Headache, Dandruff, HairFall, Hair gray.
Effective for Hair dense, Hair Tall.
MRP : 200 ml - 260 Tk
DetailsDashan Churno
Basic Use.
Provides a Shiny Teeth.
Prevent mouth malodor, mouth disease, Teeth stone, Tooth loss and toothache.
MRP : 40 gm - 70 Tk
Chaban Prash 1
Specially Cole, Cough and Fever.
Prevent tuberculosis, Meh, Shortness of breath, Malnutration.
Increase human immunity system.
MRP : 250 gm - 390 Tk,
Work as source of Energy.
Work for growing energy, Nutrition.
Prevent Rheumatism.
MRP : 450 ml - 185 Tk
DetailsBatari Guggul
Effective for Rheumatism and Fat reduce.
Prevent blood cholesterol.
Control Diabetics.
Reduce Fat from human body.
MRP : 60 Tab - 160 Tk
DetailsBahumutrantak Ros
Especially Control Diabetic.
Control Blood's high sugar.
MRP : 20 Cap - 160Tk
Makes Heart Powerful.
Prevent Heart disease, Lungs disease.
MRP : 450 ML - 170 Tk